UWI Technology Limited
UWI team has worked the last six years to develop; how to reduce, even eliminate, waste, risk and downtime in workplaces that incorporate products with critical lifespans in their processes, these could be reagents, glues, sealants or composites, and they apply particularly in the life science, engineering and aerospace industries. Previously there was simply nothing that existed to accurately identify the critical-usepoint of materials that begin to degrade from the point of opening. UWI’s labelling technology puts an end to all of that by taking human error out of the equation – no more manually measured timings, whether that be hours, days, weeks or months – instead, now you can establish precise measurement through a simple green/red colour bar indicator on our label that shows whether the product is safe to use or not, and that can be automatically or manually activated to suit your needs. After these years, the UWI Label has been through significant technical development and has won a raft of awards from, among others, Barclays, SMART Scotland and Scottish Enterprise (Life Science Award for Innovation) and is now in market trial phase with several world-class partners. Now, we’re looking for more partners, investors and clients to join us on this exciting and innovative journey. So if you want to see what UWI can do for your business, do not hesitated to contact us.
UWI Technology Limited Offices
OnSite Workspace
Employees work from physical offices.
Typical time on-site:
Edinburgh, Scotland